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ResolutionImageWhat’s your New Year’s Resolution? There’s always traditional self-improvement; eat healthier, exercise more, learn a new language. But what about improving your analysis and simulation skills? It’s easy to get comfortable with what’s familiar, but what’s familiar might not always be the most straight-forward or effective way of getting the information you need.

I’d like to challenge all readers to make a “BPA Resolution” of sorts. Whether it’s to brush up on the fundamentals, or learn a new software tool, we owe it to ourselves. Things are changing every day, and we need to make sure we keep up.

Here are some suggestions from our end as to what you could commit to.

  • Energy Cost Range provides a single, simple indicator of potential building energy use and the key factors that influence it.
  • Apply for the EnergyPlus Cloud technology preview and get advanced simulation results faster.
  • Use Lighting Analysis for Revit to perform fast and accurate lighting analysis for your Revit model. The service also offers automated daylighting analysis for LEED.
  • Visualize the solar impact on the faces of your Revit model using Solar Analysis.
  • Take one (or all) of our High Performance Building Design courses. These courses are online, free, and pre-approved for GBCI and AIA CEUs.
  • Use Revit Credit Manager for LEED to save time and money by automatically creating LEED submittals from Revit.
  • Compare energy conservation measures with financial metrics with ECMFin.
  • Capture existing building conditions with your iPad and create a 3D model ready for energy analysis using Project Rosenfeld.
  • Tally lets you calculate the environmental impacts of their building material selections directly in Revit.

Personally, my BPA Resolution is to “get good at Dynamo.” What does get good mean? Well my end goal is to be well versed enough in Dynamo to use developing BPA nodes to the fullest extent. That’s pretty much the goal for now, I’m sure it will morph as I start to get my feet wet. And, to hold myself accountable, I am publically stating that I will write about my experiences here! Look for my first check-in in March. 


Efrat Stark is a Product Manager at Autodesk who works on Autodesk's online properties. Her main products are Autodesk University Online and Community which includes blogs, social share, social sign in, comments, reviews, public profiles, and more.
