Manufacturing: The New Way to Rock




With the British Invasion of the 60s came new innovators in music, like Led Zeppelin and the Beatles. These musicians brought us new ways to rock that changed the face of music, and it was nothing short of mind-blowing.


Would it be going too far to say that starting a manufacturing business is the new way to rock? We don’t think so.


Take Nick Woodman, CEO of GoPro. By taking the camera and making something new with it, he created a scene. Now you can find millions of GoPro users sharing their unique ways of rocking out with this technology on platforms like YouTube.


Much as the British Invasion started a revolution, making old products new has the power to create user revolutions. But, like Nick Woodman, we all have to start with an idea.


Autodesk and the new maker revolution


Autodesk makes bringing ideas to life easy with software like Inventor HSM. Many of Autodesk’s product-development tools are available in the cloud, making them accessible and affordable to anyone with a drive to make something new.


Chris Chaput is a perfect example of someone who did just that. With a lifelong passion for skateboards, Chaput started manufacturing skateboard parts using Autodesk’s free software, HSM Express. This was just the kicking-off point for his now successful manufacturing business, ABEC 11.




“Autodesk has allowed us to take control of our processes and our business,” Chaput says. “We’re able to do what we do now better than anybody else on the planet.”


Check out Chaput’s story here.


The future of making things


When we talk about the future of making things, we’re talking about manufacturing products. But it’s more than that. It’s about changing the world by taking products we’ve been using for decades, like skateboards, and adding to them, subtracting from them, making them sleeker, more aerodynamic, faster, stronger, and, well, just plain cool!


To be a player in the future of making things, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. Autodesk offers plenty of opportunities to learn the software, and with cloud-based, affordable solutions, you can start now.


What are you passionate about making? Let us know in the comments.



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