Proudly Together: Celebrating Pride Month with Autodesk Pride Network

3 min read

Pride Month is an annual global celebration at Autodesk, with events produced in partnership with our Autodesk Pride Network (APN) employee resource group (ERG) and our Diversity & Belonging team. This year, APN is celebrating the theme “Proudly Together” by hosting a variety of events and programming, including a two-spirit keynote presentation, virtual drag performance, virtual trivia games, and more.

We recently asked a few members of Autodesk Pride Network to reflect on their experience with the ERG, as well as the importance of recognizing and celebrating Pride in the workplace:

Jennifer Watters is an Audience Marketing Manager and the Chapter Lead for Autodesk Pride Network in Montreal, Québec, Canada. She’s a self-proclaimed “crazy dog mom” to a tiny Pomeranian named Fiona Pineapple.

Jody Martinez (he/they) is a Senior Sales Knowledge Transfer Manager and the Chapter Lead for Autodesk Pride Network in Denver, Colorado. Proudly married to his husband for the past 10 years, Jody says they are lucky enough to share their lives with their extended families in a supportive and loving manner.

Reina Sayama (she/her) is a Partner Development Manager for APAC and Japan and is the Chapter Lead for Autodesk Pride Network in Japan. She has been practicing calligraphy her whole life and is interested in learning ink brush painting next.

What has been your favorite experience as a member of Autodesk Pride Network?

Jody: My favorite part of my APN experience has been the community-building aspect, as well as connecting with folks from the wider organization through events like the APN meetup at our annual sales conference.

Reina: After having worked at many companies, Autodesk is the first company where I officially joined LGBTQ+ employee resource group. I never disclosed my sexuality at previous workplaces, but I was relieved and felt safe sharing my stories with my team from day one because of Autodesk Pride Network. Last year, APN recommended I become the Chapter Lead for Japan because in APAC there are fewer LGBTQ+ activities compared to other regions. Developing my career and network outside of work through diversity gives me the opportunity to gain new insights.

Jennifer: I most enjoy hearing how our pride initiatives have helped colleagues feel safer coming into the office. We’ve also achieved so much in our little Montreal chapter, including raising over $6,000 for local organizations that support queer youth. I’m fortunate to have an incredible crew of volunteers and could not be more proud!

Why is it important to celebrate Pride Month in the workplace?

Reina: It’s important to take action at the local level to create a safe environment. This includes making employees feel they are always accepted for who they are, promoting awareness and equality within the company, and showing role models of diversity and inclusion. To me, “Proudly Together” means whether you are out or not, if you are an ally or LGBTQ+, and no matter who you love or how you identify, all of us are embraced to be our authentic selves.

Jennifer: It’s important to celebrate Pride Month in the workplace to help make employees feel seen and welcomed. This year’s theme of “Proudly Together” means our diverse backgrounds fuel innovation, and by embracing and valuing our distinct identities, we unite to achieve extraordinary outcomes!

Jody: Representation matters, and in the workplace, it’s important to celebrate things like Pride and other affinity groups’ months because when you are seen, it conveys value. Pride is about coming together as a community and providing strength to those members of our larger community who are under fire. Standing arm in arm with my trans brothers and sisters is particularly important because they are at the forefront right now with anti-trans sentiment and legislation that’s happening in America and beyond.

What is one piece of advice you would give to young LGBTQ+ professionals starting their careers?

Jennifer: Be authentic. When you let your light shine bright, you and your best qualities stand out.

Jody: Be you! Be out and be proud. Take the opportunity to place your flag in the ground, whether it be by joining a new team or being introduced to a larger group. When given the opportunity, lead with your authentic self. In my opinion, people respect the courage it takes to do so, and it helps to break stigmas.

Reina: Don’t be afraid to stand proud and use your voice to advocate for yourself and others. The diversity you bring to the table is a key ingredient in developing innovative ideas and making our workplaces more inclusive.

Learn more about Autodesk’s employee resource groups here.

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