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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Docs Update – December 13, 2018

Joan Allen
December 13, 2018

The December 13, 2018 BIM 360 Document Management update includes additional approval workflow improvements as well as other quality and usability enhancements, including:

  • Support for unique workflow name for each workflow instance
  • Display the “action upon completion” and target folder when starting a new review workflow
  • Apply approval status directly within the viewer
  • Set approval status for multiple documents at the same
  • Standard sort order for documents in a review
  • Improved usability and navigation for multi-page files linked to drawings in “Plans” folders
  • Performance, quality, and usability improvements

Review and Approval Workflow Improvements and Enhancements

Now initiators can provide a unique description (“workflow name”) for each review instance at the time of workflow initiation, to provide greater clarity for reviewers, approvers, and other project team members.  Initiators can also see the outcome and actions for approved documents, such as the target folder for approved documents.

This latest release also provides improved usability and efficiency for document approvers, including the ability to apply the approval status directly from the viewing experience and the ability to apply the approval status to multiple documents at the same time.

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Joan Allen

Joan leads product management for BIM 360 Docs. Joan is a registered Civil Engineer with over 25 years of experience in construction management and technology for the AEC industry. Since joining Autodesk, she has focused on delivering innovative, cloud-based solutions for connecting AEC project teams and improving project delivery workflows, including Autodesk BIM 360 Glue and Autodesk Buzzsaw.


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  1. AvatarJakeBT

    This is AWESOME! Autodesk, you are headed in the right direction and making my job much easier and more efficient. I am still looking forward to the day when I can review Microsoft word and excel documents within the review function. That functionality would constitute a day of celebration for all Operations Managers.

    1. AvatarMike Davison

      Hi Jake:

      Thanks for your feedback. We are working on the ability to review Office files (Word, Excel, etc.). I hope you will be able to celebrate that soon.


