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Earlier this week we hosted a webinar on EnergyPlus Cloud. The recording is now available and you can view it here.

Thanks to all who attended and asked some great questions on the line. We hope you enjoyed it and learned about our new EnergyPlus Cloud features.


During the webinar, we conducted a few live polls. Similar to the early adopters of EnergyPlus Cloud we were interested in what role attendees identified most as, their current usage of EnergyPlus and EnergyPlus Cloud, the typical amount of time it took for them to perform an EnergyPlus simulation, their preferred authoring tool, and how they use EnergyPlus simulation results. Details of their responses below.

36% attendees identified as energy modelers, followed by 24% as architects, and 16% as engineers. This trend is similar with what we saw with the early adopters. 



44% of attendees responded as not currently using EnergyPlus or EnergyPlus Cloud, compared to the 15% who have used both



Of the attendees who use EnergyPlus, most are waiting between 1 minute and 60 minutes for EnergyPlus simulation results.  



Among the attendees who use EnergyPlus, 31% of them are using OpenStudio / SketchUp Plugin to author their IDF file, followed by a combination of Other applications, and DesignBuilder.



Finally, the top ways attendees are using their EnergyPlus results are for:

  • Early design decisions and comparing design options
  • High performance building design
  • Existing building energy analysis

This is also representative of our early adopter findings. 



For any questions, comments, or feedback, please write to us at


Efrat Stark is a Product Manager at Autodesk who works on Autodesk's online properties. Her main products are Autodesk University Online and Community which includes blogs, social share, social sign in, comments, reviews, public profiles, and more.
