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Autodesk Project River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD Civil 3D & AutoCAD Map 3D 2012

cristina savian
May 10, 2011

Autodesk Project River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 and AutoCAD® Map 3D® 2012, a technology preview of new infrastructure planning and design functionality from the AEC Infrastructure Modeling Product Line Group, is available for download and trial on Autodesk Labs.


Project River Analysis Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 and AutoCAD® Map 3D® 2012 (available in both 32-bit and 64-bit) is a sophisticated river modeling software package that supports HEC-RAS within the AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 and AutoCAD Map 3D 2012 environment. This technology preview of River Analysis  makes it easier than ever before for infrastructure planners, engineers and designers to compute water surface profiles for modeling rivers, bridges, culverts, spillways, levees, floodplain and floodway delineations, stream diversions, channel improvements, and split flows.


This River Analysis extension for Civil 3D 2012 and Map 3D 2012 makes it extremely easy to:


  • Automate HEC-RAS cross section cutting, water surface analysis, flood plain mapping, and all related modeling tasks.
  • Utilize numerous automation mapping tools for extracting cross sections from various digital terrain sources including contours, TINs, DTMs, DEMs, LiDAR data, survey files, surveyed cross sections, etc.
  • Perform sophisticated bridge and culvert analysis as well as automating the process of designing and analyzing roadway crossings.
  • Automate mapping of bank station locations, channel and overland flow lengths, levee locations, ineffective flow areas, Manning’s roughness data from topographic map data.
  • Perform automated bridge scour computations
  • Automatically generate floodplain and floodway maps




 Additional Resources

 Jack Strongitharm

cristina savian
