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Productivity Tools for Civil 3D 2012

mike hutt
May 11, 2012

Today a set of productivity tools for Civil 3D 2012 have been released on Subscription Center. 

The toolset includes some global tools and some tools and content for specific regions.

Available tools:

  • Boreholetool to import geotechnical data in Civil 3D. This version of the tool replaces any previous one.
  • Cartogramma Utility to create a grid based display of volumes between two surfaces inside a boundary
  • Point Cloud Feature extraction. This utility used to be a labs tool and is now included. This functionality works on both  .pcg and .isd point cloud files.
  • Railway Tools. These tools allow to calculate cant on Civil 3D 2012 alignments and give the possibility to add Turnouts/Switches from a customisable library
  • and lots more….

 A complete list of the tools is available at subscription center.

All these tools have separate installers which give you the choice which tools to install.



Peter Ingels


mike hutt
