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Webinar Series: Configuring AutoCAD Plant 3D Isometrics

Bernd Gerstenberger
June 16, 2017

In Technical Support we get a lot of questions about how to configure isometric drawings for specific needs. Indeed you have to configure xml-files and other configuration files as well. This is challenging. Here is now a webinar series about several specific tasks when configuring isometric drawings. From an overview about the different specific configuration files or the structure of the isoconfig.xml-file to specific short tasks, e.g. to show and configure insulations in the isometric drawing.These short videos (the largest one is about 15 minutes, mostly they are about 5 minutes) are now published for everybody and can be watched from here. Hope you enjoy and they help…

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    Bernd Gerstenberger

    Bernd has worked for Autodesk Product Support since 2010. His main role quickly moved from supporting vanilla AutoCAD and Install & Licensing to providing technical support for AutoCAD Plant 3D and AutoCAD P&ID for both customers and partners. Currently he is the Knowledge Domain Expert for AutoCAD Plant 3D at Autodesk. Before his time at Autodesk he gained extensive experience over many years working in different sections of the IT industry: CAD-administration, network administration, database development, plot management, programming, project management, PDM-administration, GIS-applications and workflow systems with different products.
