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2022 is live! And we have some amazing new features implemented. I love them! Maybe you, too? I have created three new videos about the new features in AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 in our Video Blog Series “Plant 3D with the Experts”.

  • Part 1: It is about Ortho Offset Location and also about Navisworks and the enhanced Plant 3D Object Enabler
  • Part 2: This is about Project Compare: Do you want to compare or synchronize projects?
  • Part 3: The Isometric Dimension Setup is completely rebuild in Project Setup

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    Bernd Gerstenberger

    Bernd has worked for Autodesk Product Support since 2010. His main role quickly moved from supporting vanilla AutoCAD and Install & Licensing to providing technical support for AutoCAD Plant 3D and AutoCAD P&ID for both customers and partners. Currently he is the Knowledge Domain Expert for AutoCAD Plant 3D at Autodesk. Before his time at Autodesk he gained extensive experience over many years working in different sections of the IT industry: CAD-administration, network administration, database development, plot management, programming, project management, PDM-administration, GIS-applications and workflow systems with different products.


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    1. AvatarMARTINAMEDEO2597

      i really enjoy the instructional videos that Bernd produces and look forward to them. My only issue that I have is the volume level. With my volume level turned up all the way, I still have a hard time hearing him. Is it possible in future videos to have the volume level increased?

      1. berndgerstenbergerberndgerstenberger (Post author)

        Hi Martina, thank you for the feedback. I will take care about the volume in the future.

    2. AvatarBrody Tice

      Thank you for this Bernd
