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Which components in AutoCAD P&ID have to be unique

Bernd Gerstenberger
November 21, 2014

If you try to tag a component which is already available in the project you will get a message:


If you want to know for which components you need an unique tag, you can open the processpower.dcf of your project with a SQLite Browser like SQL Expert Personal or SQLite Database Browser.

But be aware that modifying direclty dcf-files is not supported. Make always a backup before.

Here you will find a table called "PnPTagEnlistedColumn". There are all fields listed which have to be unique. So it is by default the tag-field of the tables:

  • Equipment

  • Hand Valves

  • Instrumentation

  • PipeLineGroup

  • Nozzles

You can modify this list if you want but be aware that, if you delete for  example the pipeline group tag from this table, the security and quality aspect of P&ID will be bypassed by you.


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    Bernd Gerstenberger

    Bernd has worked for Autodesk Product Support since 2010. His main role quickly moved from supporting vanilla AutoCAD and Install & Licensing to providing technical support for AutoCAD Plant 3D and AutoCAD P&ID for both customers and partners. Currently he is the Knowledge Domain Expert for AutoCAD Plant 3D at Autodesk. Before his time at Autodesk he gained extensive experience over many years working in different sections of the IT industry: CAD-administration, network administration, database development, plot management, programming, project management, PDM-administration, GIS-applications and workflow systems with different products.

