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P&ID Object Mapping to your custom Plant 3D valve not working?

Dan Scales
November 6, 2014

To map between specific P&ID valve classes and custom Plant 3D valves you need to assign the correct Valve Body and Valve Alignment subtypes to the Plant 3D component in the catalog.

If either subtype is missing then a placeholder valve will be inserted into the drawing rather than the correct valve from the spec.

For example, to correctly map a P&ID Gate Valve to a custom Plant 3D Gate Valve the Valve Body Type should be set to Gate and the Valve Alignment should be set to Inline.

With the correct settings in place it should then be possible to successfully place your custom valve from the P&ID Line List into your model.


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    Dan Scales

    Dan studied Construction at Sheffield Hallam University and Building Surveying at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. Joining Autodesk in 2000, Dan has provided support for a wide variety of Autodesk products and has been supporting Plant and P&ID since the very first releases. Prior to joining Autodesk, Dan gained experience working as a design draftsman for a number of consulting engineers in and around Edinburgh. Outside of work Dan enjoys riding motorcycles, road bikes and mountain bikes.

