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Project CALGARY Public Preview 1 is LIVE!! (and waiting for YOU!!)

damian willcox
November 17, 2016

Hi everyone,

My name is damian willcox – I'm a Designer on the Plant team here at Autodesk, and I'm VERY pleased to extend an invite to you to something we have been hard at work on for a little while now – Project Calgary Preview 1!


Our team here at Autodesk has been very hard at work on tightening, tuning and getting Project Calgary ready for you to try out!  Project Calgary harnesses the power of the cloud to completely change the way you work on projects across teams and locations making it much easier to collaborate on Plant 3D/P&ID projects with team members regardless of their office location or company, and focus on what is most important – getting your work done.


Join Project Calgary Preview 1!


You can join using the link above, or simply log in to the Plant Customer council project on for more details.

Thank you, and looking forward to your feedback!


What is Project Calgary? 

The Project Calgary Preview is our first public preview of a cloud hosted project collaboration effort using BIM 360 Team that allows people to work on Plant projects across offices and companies!

Inviting additional team members within or even outside of your company is as easy as sending an email.

What is BIM 360 TEAM?

BIM 360 Team is part of the Autodesk Cloud backbone that helps drive Project Calgary, and is organized into Hubs that hold BIM 360 Team Project Folders.


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