This tutorial series provides a fast way of getting to know InfoWorks ICM and learning how to use its basic features. It uses a simple example to guide you through the main aspects of the software, showing you how to:
Create a model
Import data from other sources
Inspect networks
Perform network validation
Run simulations
Produce reports and graphs
It also demonstrates the options that are available for investigating the data held in your network and the various methods for selecting network objects. A number of the GeoPlan facilities are also described and illustrated. This tutorial also shows you how to add new objects to a network, fill in gaps in the data, simplify a network and compare one network with another, transfer data between networks, and export part of a network in standard file formats.
We have a transportable database you can install to follow along with the tutorial. Download it for the first video, which shows you how to install it.
Watch here or there: You can watch this entire tutorial series right here on this page, or you can bookmark the YouTube playlist if that’s better for you.
Our support site: There is accompanying support content on our help site if you need to dig in and find something related.
Handy links: You’ll find a link to each of the written help sections underneath each video – in the caption – so you can open that in a separate tab if you ever want to view the written content for each step in a video.
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