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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

A Musical Technology Experience at August’s Design Night

August 22, 2013

From classical opera and jazz fusion to rock ‘n roll and techno funk, music of all genres has always been able to evoke a strong response from those who hear it. That’s because music has a way of taking listeners beyond just the auditory aspect of the notes and into a physical, emotional and even spiritual experience. The idea of music as an experience is now being pushed even further with the integration of new technologies that are poised to take listeners to new dimensions.  

These new technologies were prominently on display at Autodesk’s August Design Night, Techno? Tech-yes! The music-themed evening transported guests into a new world that explored the many ways the rapid evolution of design technology is changing the way we experience it: how it’s delivered, how it’s performed, and even the very music itself.

Autodesk welcomed Tyler Kicera, stage and automation design guru from Tait Towers, who captivated attendees with his presentation on how technologies, such as 3D CAD software, are changing the way we experience music and live entertainment.

Guests were also treated to music from musical alchemist Elizaveta and local group Date Night while they perused the Autodesk Gallery exhibits. They were able to participate in hands-on activities like making paper plate speakers, recording their voice and making a wooden laser-cut record and playing with Arduino self-playing drums.

See below for a video of the night’s main events:


The September Design Night, Designistas, will be held Thursday, September 5th and will focus on high tech fashion. Come join us to learn more about how technology is turning the world of fashion upside down.

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