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Introducing Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014

December 4, 2013

New Software Aims to Help Address the World’s Urgent Need to Repair or Replace Aging Bridges

Today at Autodesk University, Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014 was unveiled as one of several software updates and introductions aimed at expanding BIM workflows across the full lifecycle for buildings and infrastructure. 

Following closely on the heels of our Autodesk Vehicle Tracking 2014 announcement last month, the new Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014 software will help address the urgent need to repair or replace the world’s aging bridges.

According to the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, within the next 15 years, almost half of America’s bridges will exceed 50 years of age, surpassing the life span for which they were designed.  Technological advancements may be the key to addressing this urgent bridge dilemma by helping to accelerate design processes and reducing costs.

Obviously, the urgent need to repair or replace aging bridges is not exclusively an American challenge, it’s one widely shared around the globe. To help bridge designers tackle the challenges they face, we’ve expanded our portfolio of transportation solutions with the launch of Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014. 

Eurocode Grillage 3d Elements
Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014 offers ability to conduct loading, analysis and code checking in a single environment. Shown here is an example using Eurocode Grillage 3D elements.

Based on field-proven technology acquired from UK-based Bestech Systems Limited, Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014 software helps give engineers greater flexibility and efficiency in their small- to medium-span bridge design processes by integrating loading, analysis, and code checking in a single environment with the additional advantage of being able to generate full hand calculation style reports directly from analysis results. 

AASHTO PS Beam Tendon Definition
Shown here is an example of code checking using AASHTO PS Beam Tendon Definition

Key features and capabilities include:

Speed delivery of bridge designs to help accelerate project completion

  • Create detailed designs faster with productivity tools that help you define bridge components quickly, and easily incorporate them into the analytical model
  • Help save time with automatic calculations of section properties for all shapes and materials, and allow for stages of construction where necessary 
  • Help speed the design process on small- to medium- span bridge projects with software that automatically generates optimized traffic loading in a fully integrated environment
  • Refine design options faster with automated design updates in a ‘define-analyze-code check’ loop whenever parameters are changed 

Improve accuracy and reliability with detailed bridge design calculations

  • More easily understand structural behavior with side by side graphical displays of data and results at all stages of analysis and design
  • Review pass/fail criteria for beams from graphical displays of actual and limiting load effects
  • Review code check requirements with detailed hand calculation–style reports that are created with full formulae and code referencing
  • Use embedded screen graphics within the calculation sheet to help clarify the reports and aid in the checking process

Maintain more consistent data, context, and processes across project lifecycles

  • Design sections and bridge beams based on a variety of international standards including Eurocodes, AASHTO LRFD, British Standards (BS 5400 and DMRB), and Australian and New Zealand Standards
  • Develop a more economical solution using a single system that doesn’t require import, export, or need to convert data, helping to save time
  • Help save money when you produce reports that require minimal editing throughout project development by generating calculations directly from the system


Video title: Autodesk Structural Bridge Design Overview

For more information, including pricing and availability, please visit the Autodesk Structural Bridge Design 2014 Product Center.


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