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Lumitoro Creates Perfectly Imperfect 3D Printed Jewelry with Autodesk Fusion 360

March 26, 2015

The fashion world has long been fascinated by the possibilities of 3D printing technology, and now jewelry designers have the 3D technology to finally bring their ideas to life.

One of the first in the world to produce jewelry exclusively through 3D printing is Roberto Chaves, a man with multiple talents in the design field. Chaves and his small team are the founders of up-and-coming Swedish jewelry brand Lumitoro, which was launched during Stockholm Fashion Week in 2013.

By combining stylish geometric, aesthetic and cutting-edge 3D design via the use of Autodesk Fusion 360 and 3D printing technology, the Lumitoro team creates delicate jewelry in high quality materials such as silver, raw bronze, stainless steel, nylon and, upon request, gold. For their design prowess, Lumitoro is being recognized as the Autodesk Inventing the Future recipient for March.

Autodesk seeks Inventing the Future candidates each month from its Manufacturing customer base through a brief Q&A interview on a company or individual addressing their business, products and inventive spirit. Here is what Chaves had to say about developing 3D jewelry leveraging Autodesk software:

Autodesk: What does your company develop, and why is it important for the world?

Chaves: Lumitoro works with jewelry designs that are produced using state-of-the art 3D printing technologies in different materials, ranging from sterling silver to stainless steel with bronze infusion and raw bronze. Our customers can also expect to see other design items such as 3D-printed ceramic vases, mugs and also lamps from us in the near future.

One of the fundamental concepts behind our designs is to create captivating geometry that compels curiosity and exploration, both of which inspire learning. I want people to think and question the world around them, and the best way to do so is through beauty and experiences that make you curious.

Autodesk: How has adopting technology helped your company evolve?

Chaves: Lumitoro would not have been able to launch or exist without the proper tools. For us, these tools are a combination of easy-to-use and powerful CAD software – including Autodesk Fusion 360 – and 3D printing technology that empowers me to take an idea all the way to a physical product in a fast and cost-effective way.

Also, I can create truly unique designs using these technologies that otherwise would have been impossible only a few years ago.

Tubii bracelet - Screen Shot Tubii pendant raw bronze Tubii ring 2 steel bronze infusion 1

Autodesk: What Autodesk software do you use and why? Are you a subscription customer?

Chaves: I use Fusion 360. It is the only 3D software that gives me the power to create both technical and organic designs that end up as solids that can be manufactured. Not only does Fusion 360 give me this flexibility, which I've never seen in my 20 years of using different 3D modeling tools, but it is also affordable for a small startup. I am also a subscription customer since this the only way that Fusion 360 is distributed, and through this I'm constantly receiving updates with the latest features.

Autodesk: How do you see your company five years from now? In 10 years?

Chaves: In five years, I see Lumitoro growing in several ways: Growing our core team with new, self-motivated and talented people; expanding our sales into more countries around the world; and becoming recognized as a creative design brand that is pushing the limits of design, art and technology.

Looking 10 years ahead, I hope to build a world-class research and development team that researches new materials and production methods ultimately advancing the way things are designed and produced. And I hope the whole team will have a lot of fun growing and learning as we go!

Autodesk: What does being a designer mean to you? [You fill in blank with your occupation.]

Chaves: Being a designer for me is to approach problem solving using skills and knowledge from different domains. This involves thinking about form and function, materials, the environment, the overall experience. A designer always questions and thinks about how things can be improved. A designer is curious about cultures and ways of thinking and trying to see things differently. A designer never stops learning, and I'm addicted to learning new things!

To see Lumitoro in action, visit here.

Do you think you have what it takes to be recognized by Autodesk for Inventing the Future? If so, send in your submission to

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