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New Version of Autodesk ReCap Pro Makes Reality Capture Easier, More Accurate

September 25, 2014

Autodesk ReCap Pro; part of the ReCap product line that enables customers to capture and integrate reality data directly into their design process, just got even better.

Notably, the newly available ReCap Pro 1.4 makes it much easier to check the quality of laser scans that you are feeding into the ReCap engine and turn the scans into 3D data models.


 See what else is new in ReCap Pro 1.4:

  • Creates improved accuracy reports based on commonly-used registration targets (checkerboards and spheres).
  • Improves point cloud registration accuracy in low-feature environments.
  • Provides tools to more easily analyze, detect, and fix problematic laser scans and registrations.

“Autodesk is always looking for ways to make it easier for our customers to start 3D modeling based on reality, instead of a blank page,” said Robert Shear, senior director, Reality Solutions at Autodesk. “The latest release of ReCap Pro makes it easier for users to digitally document the physical world.”

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ReCap Pro and Reality Computing

What is Reality Computing and what does it have to do with ReCap Pro 1.4? Reality Computing is a concept that integrates the digital and physical worlds. In Reality Computing, many different technologies are brought together in order to Capture, Compute, and Create 3D data and objects.

Reality Computing technology – including the ReCap product line – allows users to digitally capture the existing conditions of objects and locations (laser scanning, photogrammetry, depth cameras), compute and analyze that captured data in design software, and then deliver the result back either physically (3D printing, digital manipulation) or visually (augmented reality, projection techniques). Read more on the Reality Computing blog.

Learn More

Join Autodesk on October 2 for the webinar “What’s New in ReCap Pro”. To download a free trial of the new ReCap Pro, visit


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