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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

Perspectives from the Field: Autodesk in Kayamundi, South Africa

August 3, 2015

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Autodesk is excited to be working with Team4Tech to send a team of volunteer employees to the Kayamandi community near Stellenbosch, South Africa from August 1 thru 15. Follow the journey here on In the Fold!


The team is working with ~40 high school teachers to increase their digitally literacy, use online educational content in the classroom, including Tinkercad and Project Ignite, and apply 21st century learning skills, like collaboration and project-based learning, to increase students’ success in school and leave a lasting impact on the community at large.

The project is part of Autodesk’s Employee Impact and pro bono program, which supports employees to make a positive impact at work, at home, and in the community. During the project, employees will connect with students, innovators, and makers throughout the Stellenbosch community. Check back often to see what they are learning, and how people around the world are using design and design thinking to create positive change.

  2On Day One we got to know our new community, and were warmly greeted by young and old.

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