In the olden days, when I created technical drawings on a drawing board, I would often start with a perspective sketch in one corner of my drawing.
This helped me to visualise the item I was drawing, and the shop floor loved it – because it helped them to understand what they were making.
Inventor shaded views
I love creating drawings with Inventor, because it’s so easy to layout technical drawings, including those – oh, so important – 3D isometric or perspective shaded views.
To enhance drawing shaded views in Autodesk Inventor 2022, you can now change the lighting style of a shaded view. To do this, you change the lighting style in your model – and the shaded views in your drawings will update accordingly.

Shaded drawing views in Autodesk Inventor 2022 take their lighting style from the lighting style used in the model.
Enhanced Shaded Drawing View Display
Shaded drawing view lighting uses the active lighting style from the model.
- IBL styles use the lighting image for the reflection environment.
- Non-IBL styles use the Reflection Environment from the Application Options.
You can override the application option choice explicitly by browsing to the provided reflection maps and selecting a preferred one.
Viewing updates for changed lighting sources
- The enhanced drawing shaded views, including cached views, update when the model lighting source changes.
- After changing the model lighting, select any drawing view, or pan or zoom in the sheet, to update all views. If the drawing is not open, when you next open it, the views update unless defer drawings is in use.
This feature was instigated by a post in the Inventor ideas forum. Thank you all very much for your help in improving Autodesk Inventor.
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