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What’s New in Autodesk Moldflow 2017 R2

Hanno van Raalte
November 29, 2016

I’m extremely happy to announce to you the availability of Autodesk Moldflow 2017 R2. The crown jewel in this release is the ability to make small design changes directly on CAD geometry within Synergy, the Moldflow Insight user interface. You can make either make the geometric changes one at a time, or define areas of geometry as parameters, and drive the changes and possible permutations through the Parametric Study.


Click here for a short video demonstrating direct geometry editing

We also made improvements to the robustness and usability of the Simulation Job Manager (SJM). It also now supported for proxy networks.

On the solver side, we have made major improvements to the 3D Fiber orientation. We have improved the RSC fiber orientation parameters, and made changes to the default Closure approximation. More importantly, we have introduced a new Moldflow Rotational Diffusion (MRD) 3D fiber orientation model. This model now default and has shown to make a major improvement over the previous default Folgar-Tucker model. Tests have shown that the new model show improvements in the ability to predict possible orientation in the core layers that is perpendicular to the flow direction.


Click here for a short video demonstrating 3D Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)

We also release a new way to calculate 3D warpage, using residual stresses. This is a fundamental step towards more advance capabilities going forward.

As always, we aim to add highly requested usability improvements from the Moldflow Idea Station. This includes the ability to change the Font Size of the results, and the ability to avoid the movement of the position of the valve gate trigger. We also re-introduce the ability open the mesh statistics in a dialogue box.

Not unimportantly, we have included 49 materials in the Moldflow material database that have non-linear mechanical properties. The Moldflow product does not use, this directly, but when the material is used in Helius PFA for Plastics (the non-linear interface to Abaqus and ANSYS), the non-linear material data will automatically be used and will not require the user to enter and fit the data him/her self.

To access the release, log into Autodesk Accounts (please do not use Internet Explorer). Then click on the ‘Management’ tab near the top. Then click on ‘Product Enhancements’ on the left hand side. You should see new pages with Moldflow Insight 2017 R2 and Synergy 2017 R2.

Going forward, we will be releasing new versions of Moldflow products quarterly. This means that rather than providing new functionality once per year, we will be providing you with new capabilities throughout the year.

For more details on the latest product updates, please visit the Moldflow product center.

Best regards from the development team.

Hanno van Raalte
Product Manager – Autodesk Moldflow


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Hanno van Raalte

Hanno van Raalte studied Mechanical Engineering at Twente University in the Netherlands. He has been involved with Injection Molding Simulation since 1997 and has headed product management for Moldflow products since 2007. He currently lives in the Boston area in the United States.
