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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Here’s another Vault Fun Fact for everyone. I bring this up as I heard from a customer that they did not like the real estate that the new vertical Properties Grid takes up. Maybe you’ve already shut this off yourselves. Recall that thing over on the right side of your Vault Explorer window? It had help topics in there too. Well the good news is that it has an auto-hide function.

First, turn on the Properties Grid (View pull down menu) if not already on. Next look at the top right corner and note the pin icon. The Grid in the below image is docked:

Properties window pinned

Now, click to toggle the pin.This will set the Grid box to auto-hide. Move your cursor off of the Grid and it slides away….

Properties window expanded

You’ve now regained some real estate If you need it back, simply bring your cursor over the Properties tab and the Grid reappears. Nice.

Properties window collapsed



-Brian Schanen

