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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Autodesk University 2015 is quickly approaching, and all of us here at Autodesk are working to be sure it's our best AU yet. You may be wondering, what's the big deal? Why is this such a big focus? If you aren't yet bought into coming, here are just 3 reasons why our Vault and PLM 360 users should consider making the trip out to Vegas (other than the fact that, hey, it's in Vegas).

Autodesk University 10-28

1. We have tons of great classes for you.

We have numerous Vault and PLM 360 classes lined up, for both beginners and more advanced users. If you're new to either of these products, check out:

PL9967 – If the PLM Shoe Fits: Trying on Autodesk PLM 360 for Size

PL11593 – Next Generation of Autodesk PLM 360 Goes Beyond the Traditional Old-School PLM Ideals

PL11424 – An Introduction To Vault

PL10408 – Got Vault? How to Build a Business Case for Data Management

If you're already a customer, there are plenty of classes available to help you become power users, and to get the most bang for your buck. Browse the full list of classes for Autodesk Vault and PLM 360.


2. You'll learn best practices from us, and other users.

We'll be at the Answer Bar, ready to help you with any questions you may have. You can also learn best practices from other users in these conversational sessions:

PL12103-R – Assessing the Total User Experience with Autodesk PLM 360

PL12104-R – Assessing the Startup Experience with Autodesk PLM 360

PL9954 – Behind the Music (Stories from Vault Users)


3. You'll get inspired.

At AU, you'll hear about the most groundbreaking trends (and what's to come in the future), and have a chance to explore the latest new products. The Innovation Forums are a great place to learn and talk about technology disruption, changing demands of customers, and new ways to design and bring products to market.

3D Printing AU

If you find that you're bought in, but still need help convincing your boss – the AU team gives you some tools to help in the conversation. We hope to see you there!

– Kim stout, Community Manager


