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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

If you didn’t get the opportunity to attend Autodesk University 2016, there are a lot of great classes that are now available online.  One of the classes is PL21750: Security Awakens: Defending Against the First Order.  This class is essential for administrators who want to learn the different security models within Autodesk Vault 2017. The main focus of the class is to cover object and lifecycle level security. Learn how object level security sets or denies access to objects for users or groups. Learn how lifecycle security sets or denies access to objects based on the state of the object. Finally, learn how object and lifecycle state security are combined to work together to control object access, which is new in Vault 2017. The main topics of the class are:

  • Configure object level security
  • Configure lifecycle state level security
  • Know how Object and Lifecycle level security work together
  • Know how users are affected by the security settings



As a Vault administrator this is the class you must review to increase you understanding of Vault.

Irvin Hayes Jr.
Product Manager

Irvin Hayes Jr.

Irvin is a Product Manager on the Autodesk Vault team based in Novi, Michigan. He helps partners, consulting and sales develop Vault deployment plans in enterprise environments and system requirements. You can find multiple classes Irvin has presented at Autodesk University, ( on a wide range of Vault topics. Irvin is a technology geek and loves sharing with the community on Twitter (@ihayesjr) and Flipboard Magazine. Disclaimer If you need an official Autodesk company response or a contact for press-related activities please contact Autodesk Public Relations. The posts on this blog are the authors' own personal opinions and do not represent their employer's view in any way. In addition, their thoughts and opinions often change, and as a weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point-in-time snapshot you should not consider out-of-date posts to reflect their current thoughts and opinions.
