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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Tip Tuesday! Hello Dolly: Cloning Workspaces in Fusion Lifecycle

Michelle Stone
October 10, 2017

Today’s tip involves some advice for sandboxing solutions in your tenant. I’m a tad old school and a bit of a Nervous Nellie so I like to try things out before deploying. Cloning a workspace is a great way to achieve this. Say you want to make some changes to a solution in your Fusion Lifecycle tenant.

Just clone the workspace, try out your tweaks (you can set it so only you or a handful of folks can see it to help you test/trial) and then go back and make the changes you want to keep in the production workspace.

Cloning will copy all configuration from the original (except role permissions and placement on the main menu). There are check boxes for all the tabs and workspace relationships too.

You can also use cloning if you want to create a solution similar to something that already exists. Maybe you need to a have an external ideation process that is similar to your internal change request one. Clone the Change Request workplace, flesh it out, assign a role to those members that can have access, and you’re done.

— Michelle, Fusion Adoption Team

Michelle Stone

