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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

In last week’s blog post covering ‘What’s New’,  I promised to talk about our new precondition filters.  I just finished up carving my pumpkin (in honor of our our application program interface (API) platform Autodesk Forge), so now I’m ready to show an example of this new functionality in action!

Use this technique, rather than the previous use of library scripts like isOwner or Users, all by name for faster performance.

You’ll see this when configuring the workflow transition – there’s now a Precondition Filter option that will only make the transition available to either the item owner (if ‘Owner’ is selected) or a list of users from a field (the field name is used in this case).

Attending Autodesk University?  I’ll be covering approval boards in my “The Anatomy of Fusion Lifecycle” class.

– Michelle, Fusion Adoption Team, Autodesk

Michelle Stone
