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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

One of the hats I’ve worn here at Autodesk over the past 6 years is one of an evangelist for using enterprise software solutions like PLM to manage some of our own internal processes. Our Sales Enablement team is one example – they’ve built out a great solution for managing course publishing for our learning program.

While it’s not a true PLM use case, the team has found a lot of value using Fusion Lifecycle’s strong workflow and notification engine to replace disparate processes like email and Sharepoint.  I asked one of the project stakeholders for an update on their project and he provided some of the key success factors:

  • Ability to organize and customize forms (different data/sections for different individuals)
  • Use of Advanced Print Views to group and present information from the forms in an order that matches the Managed Services workflow
  • Customized workflows that match our requirements
  • Automated Notifications only to individuals participating in the process and those who need to take action
  • Custom scripting to automate many tasks, validate information in the form, and generate numbers and codes we use
  • Reporting / Metrics / Dashboard

I bet this all sounds familiar to a lot of you!

The team initially started using Fusion Lifecycle back in 2012 when we first launched the product.  When they wanted to expand to other teams, they reevaluated their workflows and held requirements sessions with a new core team and improved their workspaces.

“This new configuration and the associated workspaces are well organized, provide a single-source solution, enables us to leverage, track and report on important information, and has enabled us to automate the course publishing process far greater than we did in the previous one.”  

He calculated their team has saved over 167 hours since last spring. What are some non-traditional projects you think PLM could help with?

– Michelle, Fusion Adoption Customer Success

Michelle Stone

