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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Tip Tuesday! Keyboard Shortcuts for the Fusion Lifecycle Scripting Editor

Michelle Stone
April 25, 2018

Kudos to our PLM community!  A great tip for keyboard short cuts was posted on the forum.  PLM admin extraordinaire john.denner found a listing on GitHub and took the time to document the ones that work in the Fusion Lifecycle script editor.

Some especially useful ones are:

  • ctrl-/    comment/uncomment the line or selection
  • alt-up/down   move a line or selection up or down
  • alt-shift-down/up    copy a line or selection down or up
  • ctrl-d    delete the line
  • ctrl-u    change selection to uppercase
  • ctrl-alt-up/down    add additional cursor up or down
  • ctrl-click    add additional cursors wherever you click
  • ctrl-h    find and replace
  • alt-0    fold all
  • alt-shift-0    unfold all

And thanks to Sven Dickmans for making sure more of the community knows about this.  Never stop learning!

–Michelle, Manufacturing Cloud Adoption Specialist

Michelle Stone
