Depuis le début du mois de septembre Autodesk Stingray passe en version 1.9. Celle-ci nous apporte encore son lot de nouveautés que je vais vous lister ci-dessous :
1- Les nouveautés :
Eclairage basé sur les données photométriques:
Il est possible de créer des éclairages basés sur des données photométriques ce qui permet de définir plus précisément l’ambiance d’une scène.
Cette option est disponible dans l’onglet “Create” en cliquant sur le bouton “Physical light”.
Pour définir un éclairage de manière précise, les professionnels utilisent des profils lumineux IES . Ces fichiers de données ASCII décrivent la manière dont lumière est diffusée.
Dans les propriétés de l’éclairage, vous pouvez désormais importer un fichier au format IES.
Nota vous pouvez trouver quelques exemples de ces types de fichiers chez Phillips , Lithonia et Renderman.
Nota 1 : vous pouvez télécharger le logiciel gratuit IES Viewer afin de visualiser les courbes IES et les rendus.
L’outil “ Capture Frames” mis à jour :
L'outil "Capture Frames" intègre un encodeur utilisant le format OpenEXR (.exr).
Plus d’information cliquer ici.
Nota : l’icone “Caméra” a changé de place dans la fenêtre “Story Editor”.
Mettre les éléments en favoris dans l’explorateur :
Il est possible de mettre en favoris les éléments les plus utilisés dans l’explorateur afin de les retrouver plus facilement (possibilité de filtre).
Gestionnaire de texture - améliorations :
Le gestionnaire de Texture propose une interface plus compréhensible. La liste des plate-formes est clairement affichée et compacte, ainsi que la liste des filtres possibles. Vous pouvez organiser les textures dans le gestionnaire de texture en les triant par taille, date de modification ou nom.
Le gestionnaire de texture conserve maintenant l'état de la configuration (interface utilisateur) que vos différentes modifications, comme les filtres activés.
Un Déboguer de projets en Visual Studio :
Un certain nombre d’utilisateurs ont demandé de disposer d’un outil de développement et de débogage dédié et complet pour Visual Studio. Il suffit de télécharger l’extension Stingray extension for Visual Studio Code pour créer /lancer des points d'arrêt en code Lua, parcourir le code, suivre les valeurs des variables, envoyer des commandes, lire les messages de la console.
Version 2018.1.1 des FBX :
Cette version intègre la dernière mouture des fichiers au format FBX (2018.1.1), qui fournie diverses améliorations et corrections.
Mise à jour des liaisons inter-logiciels :
Cette version comprend une mise à jour concernant les liaisons inter-logiciels. Pour plus d'informations sur les plug-ins, voir Interop with Maya, Maya LT, or 3ds Max.
Cartographie de tonalité :
Une nouvelle propriété d'environnement d'ombrage (“Default Shading Environement”), vous permet d’activer/désactiver la carte des tonalités . Voir Propriétés de l'environnement d'ombrage.
Les moteurs connectés sont automatiquement actualisés :
Chaque fois que vous devez apporter des modifications aux éléments de votre projet, il est beaucoup plus facile d'obtenir ces changements lorsque vous pouvez les voir dans le contexte, en cours d'exécution.
A partir de cette version, chaque fois que vous travaillez dans l'éditeur et que vous êtes connecté à une instance en direct du moteur de jeu (c'est-à-dire lorsque vous cliquer sur les boutons “Test Level” ou “Run Project”
), le Le moteur détecte automatiquement les modifications que vous effectuez dans les ressources de votre projet et recharge ces éléments modifiés chaque fois que cela est possible.
Hololens : Prise en charge à titre expérimental :
Dans cet article, je vous annoncais l’arrivée de la prise en charge en mode beta du matériel à réalité mixte Hololens. Dans cette version, elle prend le statut “Expérimental”.
– Un nouveau projet HoloLens est maintenant disponible dans l'onglet "Projets en ligne" dans le gestionnaire de projet (plus d’informations ici).
– Une nouvelle option (“mesh_both_sides”) a été ajoutée à la fonction” Raycast” (code Lua) qui vous permet de lancer un rayon sur les deux côtés des triangles.
Exclusion d’éléments du middleware “Navigation”:
Il est possible d’exclure des éléments lors du calcul du maillage de navigation (endroits où pourra de déplacer l’avatar).
Possibilité d’activer les sources audio à partir des préférences de la fenêtre d’affichage:
2- Liste des corrections :
Asset Browser :
- GAME-22874 The context menu is shown if releasing the rmb outside the Asset Preview area while zooming
- GAME-22659 Importing a texture when the texture already exists does nothing
- GAME-22495 Drag & drop from Windows Explorer into the Asset Browser from within the same project folder is not supported
- GAME-21855 Clearing Search Input in the Asset Browser results in Error
- GAME-21853 Search Result in Asset Browser does not update on "Search in" Option
- GAME-21075 Asset Browser: Home key doesn't take the cursor to the beginning of the search field
- GAME-12642 Asset Browser: Create Animation Controller should leave the resulting new controller selected
- GAME-21017 Online Assets: Assets sometimes fail to download but give no error
- GAME-20192 Explorer: Renaming a unit breaks link to the asset
- GAME-12478 Goto resource when resource is from core folder navigates incorrectly in the Asset Browser
General :
- GAME-22183 The Save Selected button saves unselected files
- GAME-21743 Color Picker palette file extension contains a redundant parenthesis
- GAME-23820 Crash when toggling Root Motion 'on' in the Asset Preview
- GAME-23465 Viewport doesn't show light grey when resetting the background level in the Skeleton Editor
- GAME-23193 Window > Animation > Anim Clip and Skeleton menu items should be renamed to Clip Editor and Skeleton Editor (to match window titles)
- GAME-22126 Prevent animation compiler from replacing the root node
- GAME-23397 Scatter Brush: "Frequency" property label should be changed to "Relative Frequency" for clarity
- GAME-18689 Failure to create a Scatter Brush if it has the same name as previously deleted brush
- GAME-22894 Script Editor: A new script file is created when docking a script file that was just created
- GAME-22371 Clicking an asset opens a new window instead of bringing forward its editor
- GAME-23092 Undo/Redo on data-service can lead to object being unexpectedly mutated
- GAME-22873 Settings are not stored for viewports
- GAME-21954 Online Assets: Missing textures when moving the environment folder
- GAME-20841 Renaming .texture file doesn't rename dependencies
- GAME-19985 Replacing all usage of a resource in the Dependency window does not update the references
- GAME-23569 'slot name' conflict from "Sample texture" node in the Material Graph Editor causes a crash
- GAME-16401 Picking a swizzle mask for a material connection doesn't validate input correctly
- GAME-22872 Nodes on Color graph aren't easily visible when working with greys
- GAME-22293 Mouse pointer doesn't indicate that you can select a name
- GAME-20434 Item pick/choose dialogs should clear the selection and disable the Ok button when there are no search filter results
- GAME-21963 No 'Save Changes' prompt when switching levels through the Project Manager
- GAME-20446 Asset Preview shows 'Persp' and 'FullRender' menus that do nothing
- GAME-19951 Asset Preview can end up in the wrong position
- GAME-13947 Asset Preview errors when clicking a .platform.material in the Asset Browser
- GAME-23708 Story: Event tracks throw errors when objects are selected in the viewport
- GAME-23671 Search in the Story Editor doesn't work anymore
- GAME-23653 Story Editor: Capture frames initial resolution is not 1920×1080 even though the dropdown says so
- GAME-23549 Story Editor: The size of the default window doesn't show all the options available in the toolbar
- GAME-22958 Capture Frames window is sometimes created with the title bar outside the monitor borders
- GAME-21614 A Story output fails to fire if an Event track node is placed on or near the last frame
- GAME-23016 The Unit Editor viewport becomes stuck pure white after resizing
- GAME-23537 Spawn Entity from the Asset Browser results in duplicate calls and logs
- GAME-22853 Pressing Spacebar when a checkbox has focus causes exception checkbox.js:45:24 unhandled exceptionTypeError: model is not a function
- GAME-22641 Clicking a transformation field while holding Shift returns unhandled exception
- GAME-22011 Unhandled Exception when attempting to dock an empty window
- GAME-21974 Viewport options window can get into a state where it will not display
- GAME-21569 Cancelling the Save File dialog causes problems in the Save all dialog
- GAME-22291 Explorer and Asset Preview windows sometimes do not populate
- GAME-21551 Explorer: F2 doesn't work to rename layers
- GAME-22957 Cannot use appkit class.lua without the full appkit
- GAME-22202 VR Oculus and Vive: Oculus/SteamVR.set_tracking_space_pose(Matrix4x4) is deprecated. Use Oculus/SteamVR.set_tracking_space(Vector3, Quaternion, Vector3) instead
- GAME-20992 Templates using 'UnitUtils.set_material_selection_color' generate multiple warnings
- GAME-22016 Camera faces the wall when 'Run Project' is used on the 'HTC Vive template'
- GAME-18920 Occulus VR template in 'Esc' won't escape from 'Run Project'
- GAME-16859 Android: Vehicle game is not displaying the steering wheel bitmap
- GAME-23763 Stingray does not recognize that it has lost connection to the license server
- GAME-23750 Stingray does not support idle state for network license timeout period
- GAME-18422 Arial DF font artifacts fixed by increasing character resolution while maintaining texture size
- GAME-22985 Navigation: "Filter out by Unit subname" is mislabeled as "Filter out by script data"
- GAME-22359 Be able to exclude physics shape templates when generating navmesh
Audio/Wwise :
- GAME-23687 Wwise bank dependency files may have old (unused) keys in them
- GAME-23109 Wwise Exporter temp files are locked before the Exporter can write to them
- GAME-21909 UI text: Viewport "Audio Render Enabled" changed to "Play audio sources"
- GAME-20014 Wwise Editor doesn't close or update when switching projects in Stingray
- GAME-19834 After adding Wwise sounds to a project that had none, a restart is needed for sounds to play
- GAME-15596 Audio preview/playback from the Property Editor can give error "WwisePreview stop event with no playing events."
Deployer/Connections :
- GAME-22411 Connections: No slaving option button is shown if the first localhost entry is changed to another device
- GAME-22052 Deployer: iOS Deployer panel is not grayed out when iOS binaries are not present
- GAME-21804 Android: Terminating the Stingray app on the slaved device incorrectly shows error message "Failed to run project"
- GAME-21764 Each time Run Project is done, another entry appears in the command target pulldown
- GAME-9934 Changing project while slaving doesn't disconnect the remote engines properly
Engine Core :
- GAME-23608 Change Level Flow node does not trigger Project level unload lua callback
- GAME-23093 Camera controls are invisible and functional with GoogleVR
- GAME-23080 Console server Lua commands fail to output traceback to console.exe and editor log
- GAME-22975 Engine crashes when –no-rendering flag is passed at startup
- GAME-22911 Visual Studio debug visualization of plugin types is not working
- GAME-22457 Debug shaders are compiled on Android release builds
- GAME-22173 Invalid format of saved game files causes crashes
- GAME-22076 Certain projects crash on Android 6.0 or greater due to missing permissions
- GAME-21809 Missing Light source level material results in warning at runtime
- GAME-21802 Android: Slaved viewport is stretched after dismissing lock screen on Pixel XL
- GAME-19424 iOS Cardboard renders black if there is a dynamic light
- GAME-18794 Clicking the Test Level button again before the game window appears gives an access violation
Flow :
- GAME-22828 Flow and Particle Editor: cannot open editor if file is saved in a mapped folder
- GAME-20934 Nodes should automatically update for changed External Input/Output pins instead of giving an error
- GAME-18780 Subroutine nodes do not automatically refresh when saved
- GAME-18111 There is no shortcut for going to next/previous search result
- GAME-18106 Re-setting a Flow Subroutine to the same Flow resource clears all connections
- GAME-18099 Undoing removal of object referenced in a Flow node does not restore it in the Flow node
- GAME-18092 Tab quick-search menu doesn't show node tooltips
- GAME-17349 Error message for a missing required input does not get shown in the status bar
- GAME-16558 Double-clicking in the Level Flow Editor while compiling data produces an error
- GAME-15099 Searching nodes inside collapsed groups focus empty space
- GAME-12762 Right-clicking the background should clear the Tab search results
- GAME-12726 "Effect Resource" node "Resource" input should be renamed "Effect"
- GAME-8883 Tab search and right-click context menu can both be on the screen at the same time
- GAME-8094 When a larger node is under a smaller one, it always gets and stays highlighted as if selected
- GAME-5269 Undoing a drag-and-drop into a group leaves the node in the group and requires two Ctrl-Z undos
Interop :
- GAME-23970 Exr image import does not select the HDR template
- GAME-23802 FBX import incorrectly handles 'show' and 'visibility'
- GAME-23735 FBX from 3ds Max crashes Stingray with Access violation
- GAME-23183 StingrayLinkSendTo with -selected sends the whole scene
- GAME-23181 Connection to Stingray doesn't update properly in 3ds Max when Stingray connection changes
- GAME-23122 Crash when importing instanced geometry
- GAME-22666 'Set Engine Resource' from Maya 'level sync' ignores values in dialog
- GAME-22649 Maya > Send to Stingray no longer works in developer builds
- GAME-21933 No feedback to the user when editor external applications path is not set
- GAME-21838 Asset Browser: Should allow import of IVF video files
- GAME-21669 Skeleton creation fails if an FBX is re-imported into same folder, even if the folder is empty
- GAME-21364 Crash after import if the physics actor's nodes are removed from FBX
- GAME-21304 Importing a file with 9000 materials stalls the editor
- GAME-18475 Send to stingray does not always update the unit thumbnail
- GAME-16090 Missing 'indeterminate checkbox style' after selecting 'Show > All Files' in the Export Asset dialog
Level Editor :
- GAME-22876 Moving an object gives error "New poses does not match number of level objects"
- GAME-22491 Stalls in the tree view update while navigating large scenes
- GAME-22378 Gizmo for point lights is hard to select from certain angles
- GAME-22334 Selection ("hot") area for some object gizmo components is smaller than the visual representation
- GAME-22333 Focus does not change when dragging unit into the level viewport
- GAME-21977 Light gizmos not displaying upon importing an FBX file with light
- GAME-18048 Open Level will open a level even when nothing is selected
- GAME-11650 Unit listing is missing in the Grid Size dialog
- GAME-11649 Edit > Duplicate / Delete works even if no unit is selected
Particles :
- GAME-23552 Particle Editor: Points are added to the Particle Scale graph when clicking outside of the graph area
- GAME-23405 Particle effect with collision in 2D rotation mode crashes viewport
- GAME-23202 Particle effect tree does not show the new name of a system after being re-ordered and renamed
- GAME-23185 Particle Editor: Moving particles through the editor breaks the Material resource reference
- GAME-22856 Full Render button in the Particle Editor preview area does nothing
- GAME-22852 Framerate on preview gets progressively worse when more viewport tabs are added
- GAME-22847 Particle Editor: Tilt and Spin in the editor is broken
- GAME-22804 Particle Editor: Shading environment is always set to default
- GAME-22461 Particle Editor: Effect using Tangent and Binormal crashes
- GAME-22371 Clicking an asset opens a new window instead of bringing forward its editor
- GAME-21668 Particle Editor: Root options are shown when selecting the Variables node that has no variables yet
- GAME-21568 Particle Editor: Undo an Add operation resets selection in the tree view
- GAME-20466 Asset Preview of a particle effect does not respect the Asset Preview background setting
Rendering :
- GAME-23618 .exr files are imported with a blue hue
- GAME-23541 VR: Mono view mode is lost when Oculus HMD is worn
- GAME-23129 Crashes involving 'Texture streaming'
- GAME-23052 'Mini renderer' doesn't work on iOS Metal
- GAME-22978 Shader Graph: Channel specification dialog needs input validation (invalid input causes inability to open shader graph)
- GAME-22844 D3D11 doesn't allocate global constant buffer for all shaders
- GAME-22802 Performance issues with onboard GPUs on Windows
- GAME-22751 Crash using terrain on Steam VR
- GAME-22669 Particle Editor: Engine crashes when restarting a project with a particle that is missing its material
- GAME-22655 Perfhud reporting incorrect information
- GAME-22523 VRSLI: Poor rendering quality and screenspace artifacts on Vive and Oculus
- GAME-22462 GoogleVR: Bad rendering with Live dataset on Nexus 6P, Pixel XL on S7
- GAME-22300 Manipulating a light's property after assigning a material breaks light
- GAME-22078 Atlased Shadow Mapping infinite loop
- GAME-22077 Deadlock occurs when RenderInterface::_message_ring_buffer is full on render thread
- GAME-21918 Lightmap Error: 'Compiler: Corrupt file: Unexpected end of data'
- GAME-20749 Sharing code between HLSL/GLSL fails to include some blocks
- GAME-20025 Using a Material Resource in a light will break the light
- GAME-18694 Potentially unsafe use of unsigned vs. signed 16-bit indices in MeshGeometry
- GAME-18072 Scaleform UI elements do not work with 'Mini renderer'
- GAME-16543 Lighmapping disables shape morph on baked units
- GAME-14377 'Clear coat' gives excessive bloom (double specular)
Texture Manager :
- GAME-22732 Only one texture is deleted/duplicated at a time when selecting multiple textures
- GAME-22358 Importing FBX with textures does not update the Texture Manager list
- GAME-22195 Long file paths makes it difficult to read the texture name
- GAME-21970 Cut Alpha Threshold slider can have negative values
- GAME-21962 Input image should accept image file instead of textures
- GAME-21961 Pressing Escape in the search/filter field should clear the field
- GAME-21928 Textures thumbnails don't update when changing projects
- GAME-21920 History panel does not use a resizer and is difficult to view
- GAME-21828 Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y do not Undo/Redo
- GAME-21803 Texture Manager doesn't update when deleting or duplicating textures until the window is reloaded
Tools Foundation :
- GAME-23560 Capture Frames: Content Browser window is sometimes created with the title bar outside the monitor borders
- GAME-22923 Load dll dependencies when loading editor native extensions
- GAME-22596 Custom allocator for editor ConfigValue API is not used in free()
- GAME-22396 Threading error in Data Compiler – results MUST be posted on the dispatcher
- GAME-22210 Editor viewports are offset when using multiple monitors with mixed 4k and 1080p scaling
- GAME-22199 Saving dialog for unsaved textures, scripts, particles shows after switching projects
- GAME-13991 Multi-monitor setup with different scaling behaves badly
- GAME-13782 Context menu showing at the wrong location if dual monitors have different DPI scaling
- GAME-13781 Mouse interaction and transition between high-DPI and low-DPI monitors
Divers :
- GAME-19426 iOS cardboard VR view only renders on part of the screen on iPhone 7 Plus
- GAME-22597 Newly spawned shading environment entity does not work