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AU Virtual Classes: Now in Several International Flavors

autodesk university
March 29, 2010

We’re always looking for ways to extend the benefits of AU to our international audience and this year is no exception. For the first time, we’re going to offer Autodesk University Virtual classes in Spanish, Portuguese, and German, making AU 2010 even more accessible to our Central European and Latin American members.

Just like last year, AU Virtual 2010 will broadcast high-quality, relevant, expert-led, live streaming and on-demand training right to your desktop—anywhere in the world. But this year, our plan is to offer 25 AU Virtual classes in Spanish, 25 in Portuguese, 25 in German, and 100 in English, a significant increase overall from last year’s AU Virtual curriculum.

And remember…only AU Virtual classes will be offered in these other languages—as well as English.  All AU 2010 conference classes will still be taught exclusively in English.


autodesk university
