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over 6 years ago

Mixing Realities—Immersive Technologies in Industry

“Immersive technologies give us a superpower—an agency to experience the future before it happens, to see the unseen,” says Brian Pene, director of emerging technology in engineering at Autodesk. With virtual reality (VR), we can view products before they’re manufactured, walk through structures before they’re built, and make changes in real time.

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AU London Showcases How Industries Are Converging

If you were at Tobacco Dock last week for AU London, you saw another example of what makes this learning community special. More than 1,600 professionals from across construction, manufacturing, and media gathered to share knowledge, gather perspective, and learn how others are adapting to the changes taking place in our industries.


Live Stream AU London 2018–It Starts Today

AU London kicks off today, chock full of classes and learning sessions, mind-expanding keynotes, interactive exhibits, and receptions for networking with your peers. If you want to discover what lies ahead for the future of making and building, London’s Tobacco Dock is the place to be today.

Can’t be there?



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