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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Docs Update – January 11, 2018

Mike Davison
January 23, 2018

Have you uploaded PDF drawings to BIM 360 Docs lately?  As announced in the December release notes, we have significantly improved drawing upload performance (speed) for PDF drawings.  As we start 2018, we are happy to let you know that we have improved the user experience on the front end as well, with highly-requested Title Block and Review improvements.

Title Block Extraction – New Vertical Text Support

We have improved the Title Block data extraction experience by adding full support for Vertical text for both vector and raster PDF drawings.  As always, you can select the regions of the title block for Sheet Number, Sheet Title, and any other custom attributes you have defined.  We have added a text direction indicator next to each field, so that you can easily define if he text is horizontal, vertical (left-to-right), or vertical (right-to-left).  Here is what it looks like when you set up the Title Block:

 Review Page Improvements

To better support your upload and publishing workflow, we now provide the option to choose another title block (or create a new one) and reprocess directly from the Review page. In addition, we highlight the text you are extracting from the drawings for improved verification and control.

Please let us know your feedback on these latest improvements, and thank you for using BIM 360!

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Mike Davison

