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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Docs Update – January 25, 2018

Mike Davison
February 6, 2018

The January 25, 2018 BIM 360 Docs update improves markup and RFI workflows and delivers a new localized Swedish version. The RFI feature (available in Docs and in the recently-launched BIM 360 Project Management module preview) provides more flexibility and control for assigning an RFI to specific individuals and for notifying other project team members.

Improved Viewing and Review

We have updated our viewing and markup tools so that you can more easily control how markups are viewed by your project team. Now the size of your markups – including shapes, lines, and text boxes – scale to the drawing or model zoom level. In addition, you can select a font size for your text markups.

The image below shows three different text markups created at three different zoom levels. All three scale with the drawing at any zoom level.

We have also improved the calibration tool, now with the option for using imperial units when calibrating.

RFI’s – Improved Assignments and Distribution

The RFI feature, available in Docs and in preview mode in the BIM 360 Project Management module, now provides more flexibility and control for assigning responsibility and informing other team members. While a Project Admin can still control the workflow and determine which users, roles, or companies can take action in each workflow step, we have made some important changes. Now, when you submit or assign an RFI, you can choose the primary reviewer as well as co-reviewers. The list of team members from which to choose are based on the workflow settings. You can also determine a distribution list to ensure specific project team members are updated on the RFI status.

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Mike Davison

