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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Design Collaboration – August 28, 2019

Richard Parker
August 28, 2019

I am pleased to announce the latest set of updates to BIM 360 Design Collaboration.

We thank you all for your comments and feedback and hope these enhancements will help you and your teams when using Design Collaboration. All the enhancements will be live as of today, please try them out, and as always, leave your comments and suggestions in the forum.

Our lead designer, Halil Bolukbashi, has summarized the enhancements in the short video below. The latest enhancements include:

Internal Team Collaboration

When BIM 360 Design Collaboration was first introduced, we built workflows for multi company collaboration projects. Up until now, the ability to view and navigate uploaded or published models on the project timeline was only available to companies collaborating with each other across company lines. To better support everyday workflows within your company, we now support internal team collaboration on the project timeline. This means that going forward, users in the same company will see cloud workshared Revit models published or uploaded to Document Management on the project timeline.

Project Status

We’ve introduced the Project Status table for Design Collaboration, which is the best way to understand the status of your project models, and confidently begin trouble shooting potential model issues. A transparent activity log provides an at-a-glance status and detailed information for each model published into BIM 360 Design.

Support for all Revit Files

Design Collaboration now supports all Revit files, whether uploaded using Desktop Connector or Drag & Drop directly into BIM 360 Document Management. Users directly benefit from the features previously only supported for cloud workshared models, including aggregating models, change comparison, and Package support.

Automated Team Creation in a simplified admin workflow

Creating teams and assigning models just got easier with the Automated Team Creation update. This workflow automates the process of creating teams. When an admin creates a new folder in Document Management module, Design Collaboration will automatically recommend that a new team be created based on RVT models found in Document Management. Admins can decide to create the teams based on recommendations, easily adjusting the team names and assigning team colors.

Email Notifications for Packages

When a new package has been shared with your team, you will now receive an email notification. Previously, users would have to log into Design Collaboration to check for new packages.  You will also be notified via email every time someone consumes a packages you created. Save yourself time and extra work with this new update!

Hyper-Navigation in the Mini-Map

The mini-map feature provides a visual indication of your location and viewing angle within the project model. Until now, it was only possible to view the mini-map in a 3D plan view. We have updated the mini-map to support 2D sheets when they are available.

Watch Halil explain these updates in this 4 min, 30 sec explainer video

For a deeper dive into these updates, read the full post here.


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Richard Parker
