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BIM 360 Release Notes

Submittal Workflow Changes

BIM 360 has changed the submittal workflow, removing the reliance on Packages and making the Item stronger. With this change, the workflow becomes clear and flexible, enabling teams to process submittals more efficiently.  

  • Submittal Item is Stronger: Items can now progress through the workflow without being associated with a Package (packaging is optional). This gives you full control to assign participants (Manager, Reviewer, Co-Reviewers, Responsible Contractor, and distribution list members) and due dates at the Item level. The action bar will only display at the Item level to reduce confusion and efficiently move you through the workflow. Once the item is approved, it can be distributed with a single click. 
  • Improved Status Visibility on Web & Mobile: You can now see additional status details at the top of the Submittal Item on web and iOS for an at-a-glance view into the state of the Item and where it falls within the workflow.
  • Simplified Packages: With Packages no longer being used for processing, they now act as an additional attribute and contain minimal information. Items can be added to packages at any time no matter the state or responsible contractor.
  • Updated Package List View: The package list has also been simplified. Any Project Management users can access the list, but only Admins and Submittal Managers can create, update, and delete packages.
Video: New Item Based Submittal Workflow
Video: Packaging Submittal Items


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