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BIM 360 Release Notes

BIM 360 Cost Management Updates – September 2021

Ian Turner
September 21, 2021


Connection to Locations

Added the ability for users to connect a location to budget and change order items.
  • Project Admins configure locations within the Project Admin module. Select the Services tab > Cost Management > Locations .
  • Budget Overview – click a budget item to open the flyout panel. Within the details section use the Location field drop-down to add a location.
  • PCO/Cost Item – add a location to a PCO/cost item via a drop-down in the table view or from the flyout panel.
  • In the budget overview or cost item table filter and group by location.



Cost Payment Applications Custom Approval Workflow

Users can now utilize the decision-based workflow engine to automate the internal review and approval process of cost payment applications.

Recently Released Usability Enhancements


  • Approval workflow system email notification – The system now automatically sends an email notification to alert individuals if their action is required.


  • Default tool name changes – Changed the following default tool names; income to budget and expenditure to cost. Project Admins can still customize all tool and tab names within general setting.


  • Hide markups in document generation – New variables added to change orders so calculated markups can be hidden by spreading over other cost items. (See options in sample template)


  • Owner change order document Template new variable – Added a new variable ( {oco.pendingTotal} ) to pull all pending owner change orders within the generated document.


  • Cost & budget payment application document template new variable – Added a new variable ( {payment. thisPeriodRetainage} ) to pull This Period Retainage (e.g., 10% value of $100,000)


  • Editable budget code segment names – Now even with imported budgets it is possible to rename segments.



  • Batch assign budget to main contract SOV – After the import of main contract schedule of values (SOV) from a spreadsheet, user can batch assign budgets to the main contract SOV.


  • Add Owner Directives (eg CCDs) change orders to a budget payment application Construction Change Directives can now be added in to Owner Pay Applications so they can be billed against and adjusted as costs become firmer


  • Batch budget contract association – Added the ability to multi-select budget items and assign them to existing contracts.


  • Contract document generation SOV sort – Added the ability to organize the contract SOV by code for document generation.


  • Owner change order/cost item flyout in main contract view – Within the main contract view added the ability to open the flyout panel for owner change orders and cost items to view more details.


  • Retainage/Retention Cap – Now possible to set a limit on money withheld from payment applications



  • New column in cost payment application report – Added a new ‘current payment due’ column in the cost payment application report.



  • Tax activity visibility – Tax activity is now visible within the Activity section within the flyout panel of an owner and supplier change order.


  • Tax information within owner change order document – The owner change order document template has been updated to include additional tax information.



  • Select preferred forecast period – Admins can now set forecast period preferences from and can be: weekly/bi-monthly/monthly


  • Batch select for forecast distribution – Added the ability to batch select budget items to apply the same forecast distribution curve.


  • Change Order Distribution – Change orders can now be distributed separately from the original budget amount to account for them potentially being done at a different time


  • Today marker in Gantt cart – Added a marker to identify ‘today’ within the Gantt chart view.


  • Filter/Group/Saved Views in Cashflow table – Added the ability to filter, group, and save views within the Cashflow table.



  • Batch select from parent item – A checkbox has been added at the parent level to allow users to batch select all items beneath. This is available in the following table views; budget edit mode, contract edit mode, cost payment application summary view, expense, cost item, potential change order, request for quotation, request for change order, owner change order, and supplier change order.


  • Multiple Contract to single budget – Now allows users to choose how much budget they’d like to allocate to each contract.


  • Contract document attachments – When a contract is in Executed/In Review state users can still add document attachments.


  • Grouping within Reports tool – The Reports tool in Cost Management now supports grouping within reports.


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Ian Turner

