Forma’s integration with Rhino and Dynamo

Ameera Azeez Ameera Azeez November 3, 2023

2 min read

From the outset, Autodesk Forma has been designed with the vision of openness and extendibility at its center. Forma’s list of integrations is constantly expanding with extensions to various third-party tools and data sources. These integrations can significantly expand Forma’s ability to support complex design studies that incorporate computational design methods, leading to more efficient, data-driven sustainable projects. The Rhino and Dynamo integrations represent Forma’s latest contribution to this open ecosystem vision.  

Forma <> Rhino 

The new Rhino add-in allows for direct synchronization of geometry from Rhino to Forma. Once you are in Forma, you can then utilize its advanced analyses to thoroughly assess the impact of environmental factors on your design. Forma’s powerful analyses provide insights on noise, sun hours, daylight potential, solar energy, wind, operational energy, and microclimate, empowering you to take decisions that are backed by the most granular data. Moreover, with this integration you can also bring your Forma terrain and surrounding building data back into Rhino. This integration not only streamlines your conceptual design workflow, saving considerable time, but also enhances your design process by combining Rhino’s powerful 3D modeling capabilities with Forma’s comprehensive analysis features, ensuring both aesthetic excellence and environmental sustainability.   

Forma <> Dynamo 

Forma’s integration with Dynamo is currently in beta and is seeing continuous enhancements. Dynamo will significantly enhance Forma’s capabilities, enabling you to explore a broader range of design options and craft complex geometries. Moreover, this integration with Dynamo can also help you streamline your workflows through task automation and efficient data processing, all while inside a user-friendly visual scripting environment. By facilitating seamless data and geometry transfers with Revit and other design tools, this integration also promotes a unified and collaborative approach to building information modeling (BIM) workflows. 

Useful resources on Rhino: 

Useful resources on Dynamo: 

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