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Last week I had the opportunity to join Keynetix, our geotechnical Industry Partners, at the Geotechnica 2012 event in Banbury. It is not often that I get to attend shows held in a marquee in the middle of a field and with all the rain we have had over the last few weeks it had a certain festival mud feeling to it.


From left to right (Roger Chandler, Jack Strongitharm (Me), Gary Morin)

Dr Roger Chandler, managing director at Keynetix, made a presentation on the first day which covered a number of geotechnical data management mistakes that you must avoid at all cost and I was pleased to see that one of this top 5 mistakes was “Ignoring BIM”

The geotechnical community is rapidly coming to terms with the advantages that BIM can offer it and it was interesting to see a geotechnical perspective on BIM models like the one below where there is no reference to the ground surface let alone what is below it.


Things are never that easy underground as the next example illustrates. This model was created in Civil 3D with the help of the Keynetix KeyHOLE product.


If you would like to learn more you can register for the replay of the presentation at or watch the YouTube video of KeyHOLE in action in AutoCAD Civil 3D at


Jack Strongitharm

jack strongitharm

