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Creating a Tool Palette for piping assemblies

Dan Scales
March 5, 2015
Sometimes you may need to reuse a piping assembly in multiple drawings or projects.
Creating a Tool Palette for the assembly can save you time!
  1. In a drawing, place the plant objects you want in an assembly.
  2. At the Command prompt, enter wblock.
  3. In the Write Block dialog box, select Objects.
  4. Click Select Objects.
  5. In the drawing, select the objects that make up the assembly. Press ENTER to complete object selection.
  6. In the Write Block dialog box, do the following:
    • Under Base Point, click Pick Point to specify a point in the drawing, or enter the X,Y,Z coordinate values of the point.
    • Under Destination, enter a file name and path for the new drawing, or click the […] button to browse to a location.
    • Click OK.
  7. Start a new non-project drawing and insert the wblock assembly then save and close the drawing.
  8. Add a new Palette to the 3D Piping Tool Palette.
  9. Open the Design Center using the DC command and browse to the drawing saved in step 7.
  10. Drag the Assembly block from the Design Center onto the Tool Palette.


You can now place the complete assembly into any project drawing.

Important: Always insert and then explode the assembly.
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    Dan Scales

    Dan studied Construction at Sheffield Hallam University and Building Surveying at Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh. Joining Autodesk in 2000, Dan has provided support for a wide variety of Autodesk products and has been supporting Plant and P&ID since the very first releases. Prior to joining Autodesk, Dan gained experience working as a design draftsman for a number of consulting engineers in and around Edinburgh. Outside of work Dan enjoys riding motorcycles, road bikes and mountain bikes.


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    1. AvatarDan Scales

      I suspect that when inserting the wblock into the non-project drawing you were automatically exploding it.

    2. Avatarjabowabo

      Step 7 fails on both 2014 and 2015 when attempting to insert the wblock into a non-project drawing. Drawing editor message reads:
      “Unsupported operation: 17 objects filtered. 3D piping objects can only be inserted into 3D piping drawings in the active project”
