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AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019 is live and available through Autodesk Desktop App or Autodesk Account.

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See here the new features of AutoCAD Plant 3D.

Also, see here the list of issues which are fixed in this new release.

And if you want to have an overview what are the new features and fixes of 2018, update 2018.1.1, then look here.




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    Bernd Gerstenberger

    Bernd has worked for Autodesk Product Support since 2010. His main role quickly moved from supporting vanilla AutoCAD and Install & Licensing to providing technical support for AutoCAD Plant 3D and AutoCAD P&ID for both customers and partners. Currently he is the Knowledge Domain Expert for AutoCAD Plant 3D at Autodesk. Before his time at Autodesk he gained extensive experience over many years working in different sections of the IT industry: CAD-administration, network administration, database development, plot management, programming, project management, PDM-administration, GIS-applications and workflow systems with different products.


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    1. AvatarAdrian Grischott

      Hi Bernd
      Link to list of issues don’t work!
      Gruss Adrian

    2. Bernd GerstenbergerBernd Gerstenberger

      Hi Adrian,
      it is fixed now.
      Thank you

    3. AvatarRichard

      Does The Spec Editor Export to excel is still the same as 2018.1.1 version? where every component has its own tab in excel to show their dimensional data. i hope it was reverted back to the 2017 behavior and add this new “dimensional data type” as a third option.

    4. AvatarJohny Rakkar

      With the introduction of AutoCAD Plant 3D 2019, Autodesk has met the needs of the process plant industry sector and delivered an affordable but powerful 3D process plant design. I really like the way they have introduced it.
      What are the other new features in AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019? Can’t access the attached file. Can you please re-upload it so we all can access it.
