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Autodesk Toronto is Moving to MaRS

November 18, 2015

We hear it all the time. “Location, Location, Location.” Well, Autodesk Toronto has heeded that advice and is planning a move to MaRS starting in June 2016. The MaRS Discovery District (MaRSDD), that is. This is not a mere address change.  The MaRSDD in Toronto is the one of the world’s largest urban innovation hubs.

Autodesk is seizing a strategic opportunity to relocate our office to the center of the largest urban innovation district in North America, which is presently home to more than $1.2 billion in research spending. MaRS is the base of Toronto’s medical research district where scientists translate discoveries into practical application, from the first use of insulin in the early 20th century to advances in stem cells and regenerative medicine today.

Toronto is the headquarters for Autodesk Research, and our new Toronto location will expose the surrounding community to the impact Autodesk research and technology has on the future of making things. By immersing Autodesk into the high tech, research and education hub of Toronto, Autodesk can also attract and retain the best talent and collaborate with new partners.


According to Gordon Kurtenbach, Autodesk senior director of Research, “Autodesk is thrilled to move to the technology, business, education and research center of Toronto.  It’s the right place to foster the talent key to growing our future business.”


Autodesk will occupy the second and third floors of MaRS West Tower, a total of more than 60,000 square feet. The move will occur in phases, starting in June 2016. The new space will eventually accommodate more than 300 employees.

Autodesk is also taking over the street-level space at the northwest corner of the new building and will transform it into an innovation space and design sandbox that will enable creators, customers and the public to explore new fabrication techniques using 3D printers and robotics.

Toronto: City of Opportunity

Toronto is heralded as one of the most multicultural cities in the world, with more 140 languages and dialects. Ranked as the most livable city in 2015, and most youthful city of the year in 2014, Toronto is also the fourth largest North American City. MaRS is directly adjacent to the University of Toronto, the Ontario Provincial Legislative Buildings and world-renowned research centers in health and medical science.  The University of Toronto launches the highest number of startups among all North American Universities.

“I am delighted to welcome Autodesk to their new home at MaRS,” said Ilse Treurnicht, chief executive officer, MaRS. “Autodesk has been an important member of the Toronto research community for many years, and this is an exciting expansion. Autodesk’s presence will offer our community of innovators greater access to the best researchers exploring 3D applications across all industry sectors from life sciences to clean technologies.”


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