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In the Fold: Autodesk news and opinions

Subscribers get raft of new capabilities from Autodesk Collections

April 11, 2018

By Claire Collins

Over the past few years, we’ve changed the way we deliver software updates to our customers. Today, we deliver updates when they’re ready, so customers can get the newest capabilities sooner.

And the way we source product ideas has changed. Thanks to our collaboration with customers, and open communities like our Ideastations, we hear what YOU need to work smarter and faster. Last year, our customers drove hundreds of enhancements across our products, and we’re just getting started.

We’re embracing these practices—co-developing with our customers and making enhancements available sooner and more often—but there are still moments in time during the year when software development cycles align and a big cluster of updates arrive over a 1-2 month window. A couple weeks ago, AutoCAD got its big batch of ‘2019’ upgrades.

This week, we’re kicking off a huge set of updates to our Industry Collections. Collections combine Autodesk’s most powerful software in simple packages. Subscribing to one is the best way to get the most value out of Autodesk software because it connects the whole design-to-make workflow specific to each industry.  We checked in with teams around the company to get a look at what’s coming in each Collection…

Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection

“Many of Autodesk’s Revit 2019 updates are a direct result of customer feedback submitted to our Revit Ideas page. Revit 2019 delivers on the top requests, including improving the overall design environment with a completely re-written view management system that also allows customer to take full advantage of multiple monitors. This one alone had nearly 1,000 votes! We’ve improved working in 3D with full perspective editing, displaying levels in 3D, and introduced physically-based materials, all improving the architectural design process. We’ve greatly expanded steel structural connection modeling, including support for custom connections, added rebar modeling for free form structures like bridges, and continued to improve mechanical fabrication modeling. We’ve also optimized workflows like improvements to primary/secondary hydronic networks for modeling complicated piping networks.”

— Chris Yanchar, Director of Building Design Products

“We continuously strive to deliver improvements to InfraWorks in the areas of design, optimization, and collaboration to our customers. This latest release of InfraWorks offers improvements and enhancements in many areas including parametric tunnel modeling, line girder analysis for steel girders, more dynamic integration with Revit, and enterprise worksharing with BIM 360 document management.”

— Sarah Cunningham, InfraWorks Product Manager

See these related blog posts or product pages for more detail:

Product Design & Manufacturing Collection


“This Collection is the full package: it combines professional-grade design automation, collaboration and manufacturing workflows together on a common data model, letting customers innovate at the intersection of design and manufacturing. We’re intent on helping people get the most value out of our subscription offerings, so this spring, the Collection is getting new sheet metal nesting capability which helps customers optimize their use of materials.”

–Derrek Cooper, Senior Director, Product Design Group


“Thousands of customers worldwide are shaping each Inventor update, and their feedback led to over 100 enhancements during the past year. This Inventor 2019 release is all about helping them get products to market quicker. It includes faster 3D modeling and drawing creation performance, more flexible design automation with expanded iLogic capabilities, and a series of enhancements throughout that further boost productivity.”

— Jon den Hartog, Inventor Product Manager


 See these related blog posts or product pages for more detail:

Media & Entertainment Collection


“In the M&E Collection, artists now officially have access to a 5-pack of the renowned Arnold renderer, which is used by some the biggest visual effects and animation studios. Arnold renders high-quality images and can scale based on project complexity.”

— Chris Young, VP of Entertainment Creation Products


See these related blog posts or product pages for more detail:

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