It’s hard to believe that AnyCAD technology is already getting an update. In case you missed it AnyCAD was released with Inventor 2016 and allows for associative connection to non-native files. This means that you could insert just about any file into Inventor and when an update is made to that file outside of Inventor updates would happen automatically to: constraints, projected geometry and all downstream data.
This new update to AnyCAD in the 2017 release provides enhanced connection to your 2D AutoCAD data and adds associative STEP file connection. Let me say that one more time “associative STEP file connection”, just let that sink in for a minute. STEP files have become the standard neutral 3D file format in virtually every industry. As dominant as STEP files have become there is still a huge challenge when it comes to updating. Typically users would re-insert and/or rebuild assembly constraints and fix any issues with projected geometry. These issues are eliminated with associative STEP files.
This AnyCAD update also enhances connection to your 2D AutoCAD data with more control in regards to the data you want to leverage. Cropping tools allow for quick selection of geometry and you can also include AutoCAD files as references in parts, assemblies or drawings. And of course as expected when your AutoCAD file updates, all Inventor files update automatically.
Now let’s take a quick look at AnyCAD in action