Inventor 2025.1 will be released today! This update is packed with enhancements for part modeling and assembly modeling, sheet metal, drawings, and interoperability.
Sketch environment
You can now copy and paste multiple sketch blocks within the same document or from one file to another. This also works between folded and flat parts in the same document.
Quickly turn on and off snap options for Endpoint, Midpoint, and Center for more control as you apply new sketch entities.
Part enhancements
Thread data is now available for both parts and assemblies when using the Measure command. This applies to any face that has associated thread data.
- Thread Designation
- Thread Class
- Thread Depth
- Thread Direction
When creating a new Model State, iPart, or iAssembly, you now have the option to rename them immediately.
Presets have been added to the Thicken / Offset feature providing quicker data entry for common behavior, output, and advanced properties.
Access to the XLS file for the Hole, Thread, and Finish features is easier and consistent for making modifications to the data.
Assembly enhancements
The option to “Lock Rotation” for the Insert constraint is now available in the context menu to quickly switch the setting.
The Bolted Connection dialog now displays the number of selected reference points, holes, or circular references when using the “On Point,” “By hole,” and “Concentric” placement options.
Sheet metal enhancements
The “New” drop-down menu now includes options to begin a new sheet metal or weldment.
The flange feature includes manipulators in the graphics display so you can easily conceptualize offset distances. Then input exact values using the in-canvas Heads-Up Display. Also, use the TAB key to quickly switch between all values for the flange feature.
The Face and Cut feature contains breadcrumb enhancements, so you can rename the sketch and make modifications to the sketch entities.
Drawing enhancements
Using the Balloon command, you can open the related model directly. Simply select a balloon or a stack of balloons, right-click, and select “Open.”
Editing component properties from the Parts List is now faster. Select the component row, right-click, and select “iProperties.”
Interoperability enhancements
You can now more easily control whether to include or exclude all linked files in the import process. A new check box, ” Include linked files”, is added when linked RVT files are present. If no linked files are present, this option is disabled. The following options are removed from the categories list and are now controlled using the new box:
- RVT links
- Non-RVT Links
- DWG Links
API enhancements
There are several updates to API for additional capabilities in your code.
- Support for the option “link sheet metal styles” in a derived part
- Function to get the preview of SketchedSymbolDefinition
- Function for DrawingView object to change component color
- Extend 3da weld symbol API, adding support for weld bead as input
- Function to support ApplicationEvents.OnDocumentChange for Creating Drawing View
- Function of TransitionSymbol object
- Support for BOM Excel export options
- Support for Generic table cell merge
- Support for Finish feature
- Support for Crop View