Recently we announced the retirement of the ForceEffect family (ForceEffect™, ForceEffectMotion™ and ForceEffectFlow™) of products. We appreciate your support and usage of these tools but at this time we are unable to continue the development and support necessary for these products.
You will find answers to your questions below:
- What is happening to ForceEffect™, ForceEffectMotion™ and ForceEffectFlow™?
As of August 31, 2016 Autodesk retired the Autodesk® ForceEffect™, ForceEffectMotion™ and ForceEffectFlow™ applications. Users will no longer be able to download and install the iOS or Android apps or the Google Chrome plug-in. As of January 16, 2017 the ForceEffect™ web application is also being retired.
- Why is Autodesk retiring ForceEffect™, ForceEffectMotion™ and ForceEffectFlow™?
Autodesk seeks to address more critical customer needs in the core engineering industry. Moving forward, we will focus development efforts on the Forge platform to build applications using Inventor.IO.
- Will the mobile apps still work after August 31, 2016?
Yes, the apps will still work; however, you will no longer be able to download them from the app store.
- What will happen to my diagrams that are stored in the A360 drive?
You will be able to access them in your A360 drive account and continue to edit diagrams on the mobile apps if you downloaded the apps prior to retirement August 31, 2016.
- Will there be any additional releases of Autodesk ForceEffect™, ForceEffectMotion™ and ForceEffectFlow™?
No, the current versions available are the final versions of the product.