Vibrant communities are walkable communities. Having convenient, walkable access to local amenities connects pedestrians to businesses, activities, and each other, making for a healthy lifestyle. Blockages to pedestrian access are problems, however, they are also opportunities for designers to solve them through innovation. With its latest annual Make It Real scholarship design contest, Autodesk challenges…
Career Readiness
As we move through the early stages of Industry 4.0, a new industrial era categorized by digital transformation, technological advances are ushering in new opportunities for greater productivity, higher profitability, and more sustainable products and services. While these new advances unlock exciting opportunities, we’re also hearing great concern from our Design and Manufacturing customers about…
Academic Leaders
College student Nachum Twersky and high school student Teddy Warner participated in the New Year, New Skill Student Design Challenge, taking the grand prize and second place wins, respectively. Read on as they share insights into the wonderful world of upskilling by using Instructables as a platform to prepare for their future careers. Twersky is…
Career Readiness
Lawrence Equipment, a manufacturer of flat bread machinery in El Monte, CA, have created a successful business since their founding in 1980—but they also knew that a lot has changed. To stay in front of the advancements quickly transforming workflows in the manufacturing industry, they also have eyes on their future workforce. To this end,…
Industry Collaboration
In November 2020, the Autodesk Learning and Certification platform was launched, a new single-destination platform providing flexible, digital, and data-informed learning experiences.
Career Readiness
It’s that time of the year again: Your students are finishing up their projects and preparing for finals before a much-needed winter break. If you’re looking for a quick, fun project to work on in class when they have downtime—or something they can take home over the break to keep honing their CAD/CAM skills—we’ve got…
Autodesk Learn Lab