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Design Animation Stories

over 8 years ago

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Recent Posts

Creating Plug-ins that Work, Part 2

In the first part of this story series, we created a simple Hello World Utility plug-in, derived from UtilityObj. In this installment, we are going to modify our utility to do something a little more useful: display the name of any selected scene object. Along the way we will learn a bit about 3ds Max’s reference system.


Creating Plug-ins That Work, Part 1

From the beginning, 3ds Max was designed to be extendable by users and developers outside of Autodesk.   One of the most popular ways to extend Max’s functionality is with plug-ins. Just about every facet of Max can be extended with plug-ins, from creating new modifiers and geometric primitives, to import and export formats,


Horns and Transforms

In this post, we’ll be looking at how to create a horn in MCG. The secret sauce to this tool requires two main ingredients:

  1. Transformation matrices
  2. The QuadMeshStrip operator.

To create a horn, the idea is to apply a sequence of transformation matrices to a collection of circular points to create the structure of the horn.

Martin Ashton

The Low Poly Modifier Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at how to combine the Low Poly MCG modifier with a simple material graph to render scenes in a “Low Poly” art style.

In this post, we’ll be taking a deeper dive into how this modifier was built.

Martin Ashton


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