Beginning with the Vault 2010 family, file ‘Checked Out’ status is depicted with a change in font color and appearance. Within Vault Explorer for instance, a file checked out to you will appear with bold font and a blue color. Likewise, files checked out to other appear as bold font also, and gray in color.
Based on the image above, you can see where the gray font is a candidate for change. Here’s how to modify this in the 2011 release of Vault:
The file you need to modify is a config file. Be careful and always make a copy of the original. Depending on your Vault level (Workgroup, Collaboration, or Professional 2011) it can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Vault Professional 2011\Explorer\Connectivity.VaultPro.exe.config
Search for the appsettings and the details below, these represent a default install.
<!– Color format is (#AARRGGBB) –>
<!– BoldText is a boolean –>
<add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.Color" value="#FF1919FA"/>
<add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.BoldText" value="true"/>
<add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.Color" value="#FF808080"/>
<add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.BoldText" value="true"/>
You can change the colors here. For instance, #FF6495ED for Cornflower Blue (just because) and #FFDAA520 for Goldenrod (nice autumn color) for Current User and Other User respectively.
I’ve also included a color chart for your reference, and now you can modify as needed. This is a per client setting by the way, so make appropriate plans if you’re rolling this out to your users.
-Brian Schanen