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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Can I get that Font in Cornflower Blue?

September 20, 2010

Beginning with the Vault 2010 family, file ‘Checked Out’ status is depicted with a change in font color and appearance. Within Vault Explorer for instance, a file checked out to you will appear with bold font and a blue color. Likewise, files checked out to other appear as bold font also, and gray in color.

Files Checked Out

Based on the image above, you can see where the gray font is a candidate for change. Here’s how to modify this in the 2011 release of Vault:

The file you need to modify is a config file. Be careful and always make a copy of the original. Depending on your Vault level (Workgroup, Collaboration, or Professional 2011) it can be found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Vault Professional 2011\Explorer\Connectivity.VaultPro.exe.config

Search for the appsettings and the details below, these represent a default install.

<!– Color format is (#AARRGGBB) –>
        <!– BoldText is a boolean –>
        <add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.Color" value="#FF1919FA"/>
        <add key="CheckedOutByCurrentUser.BoldText" value="true"/>
        <add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.Color" value="#FF808080"/>
        <add key="CheckedOutByOtherUser.BoldText" value="true"/>

You can change the colors here. For instance, #FF6495ED for Cornflower Blue (just because) and #FFDAA520 for Goldenrod (nice autumn color) for Current User and Other User respectively.

files checked out cornflowerblue

I’ve also included a color chart for your reference, and now you can modify as needed. This is a per client setting by the way, so make appropriate plans if you’re rolling this out to your users.



-Brian Schanen

