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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

I need to check out what now? (Updating iParts and iAssemblies)

June 6, 2012

So you just opened up an iPart, went into a table and changed a bunch of members hey?  Not sure which ones, was it important to remember?  No, not really, Vault will figure it out for you.

That's right, Vault 2013 is now smart enough to automatically check out and check in any new or modified ipart and iassembly family members.  

Simply go into your family table and make the required member change, regenerate the files through Inventor (select all your members from under the table icon, right click, "generate members") and check in the factory. Vault checks out only those newly generated or modified members and includes them as part of the check in operation.

This is a big step forward from the workflow in previous releases where changed members would need to be identified, checked out, regenerated and checked back in manually to capture the updates, or perhaps you were one of the many who created an enormous assembly file containing all the possible file instances and assembly iterations for the purpose of keeping everything up to date.

This new automated member check out is coupled with better messaging along with improved place and replace member workflows which support the download of associated version/revision of the member to local disk.

Ipart rev
This means unlike previous versions users can now grab an earlier release of the ipart or iassembly and have the associated versions retrieved.  

We feel these small changes will make a big difference in using and more importantly updating your Inventor families with Vault and get you back to designing.

