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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

My hand gets tired releasing one file at a time! (Folder lifecycles)

July 2, 2012

Not every design team is interested in the status of each individual file.  What if all you have is a list of documents that you have to deliver and that’s all that matters, maybe you just want to keep people out of your folder or you really do get a tired hand releasing files one at a time?  Well, Folder Lifecycles are the answer.

Autodesk Vault 2013 introduces the ability to add lifecycle controls at the folder level, enabling project managers to not only track the overall project status but control folder and file access based on this lifecycle state. 

It is worth noting here that each file can have only one override, which means that if a document already has secure access defined by a file level lifecycle scheme the folder cannot change the state or access to the file, the rules for that file take precedence.  However, by simply omitting state based security (lifecycle controls) on the individual files, document access can be controlled by the folder state. 

If you wish to use a combination of file and folder access controls we can utilize some of the new lifecycle transition rules specifically designed for use with folders, including restrictions which ensure all files in a folder as well as linked files, folders or custom objects are released before the folder can be released.  In short your project isn’t released until all its managed files and folders are released.

Setting up folder lifecycles follows the same process as files, we have simply added lifecycles to the folder categories, configure this as you would a file, providing group permissions to each state and transition.  It may pay to be a little more descriptive with project status here reflecting a value of percentage complete rather than the traditional WIP, Review, Released.

For more informationon on using project folders and lifecycles visit the help wiki topics on project folders, lifecycles and security overrides

