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Under the Hood - All things PDM and PLM

Autodesk Vault: Working With Distributed Teams

February 29, 2016


Working with remote teams is quickly becoming a standard of doing business.  According to a Gallup poll in 2015,  37% of U.S. workers confirmed that they have telecommuted at some point for their job.   I recall waking up before 5 am to get on a call with India, then chatting with people on the east coast before heading into my local office. My current role is no different.

But what blows my mind is trying to handle any of these remote teams without a strong engineering data management tool.

  • How do you handle a change to a design done in India when your US team is sleeping?
  • What if the last change was incorrect or requested improperly?
  • Which version was the one sent for manufacture?

These are simple questions that can be answered just as simply. Use a data management tool that supports multi-site teams, can manage your engineering data, handle change management, and integrate with your different CAD tools.

To learn a bit more, check out the following video on how Autodesk Vault handles multi-site teams.


 – Tyler Beck, Tech Marketing

